I begin this post with the absolute beauty and heart opening experience of my first time in Buddha Hall in Corfu, with Deva Premal, Miten, Manose, Maneesh and Osho energy.
What a beautiful experience of singing mantras, collective energy and so much open heart and love resonating – it was so amazing to be in this energy, to witness my heart opening and feeling something so familiar and real – and I experienced a re-opening, stepping into my heart and the collective heart, and being completely present in each moment. Moving, and singing, responding to the music and the rhythm in a way of absolute spontaneity and it was wonderful.
And Osho’s discourse was about Zen – about the bridge between the Buddha and the Zorba energy, the heavens and the earth, he ended the discourse by saying ‘God exists right now within’ ………… and it was such a beautiful moment after those words, of absolute silence and feeling that truth right then and there. And my heart opened some more and I knew in that moment that this is such a sacred and honouring gift I have given to myself to be in this place at this time sharing and being in this beautiful, light filled energy. Of Love in its open, pure, collective form.
Its Sunday morning and there are 140 people sitting around Deva Premal, Miten, Manose and Maneesh, who perform and play the music, sing the mantras and hold the energy of the group so beautifully with the voices and music. We began at 10 after registration, and the first mantra Deva begins with is Gayatri Mantra and my tears began to flow. This is the mantra that first introduced me to Deva Premal and sitting in this magnificent hall with all the beautiful people singing the most incredible mantra was a moment of absolute completeness for me – a moment where I felt completely connected to ALL and in absolute perfection. What an absolute GIFT.
Gayatri Mantra
Om bhur bhuvaha svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat
Translated :
Praise to the source of all things. It is due
to you that we attain true happiness on all
planes. It is due to your transcendent
nature that you are being worshipped and
adored. Ignite us with your all pervading
This workshop has come to me in the time of great shift for me, on my sacred adventure, in absolute perfect timing. I feel its an opening for me, an opportunity to reconnect with Osho and with myself as Nidhi, in my perfection. To be in such beautiful, supportive, love energy with deep connection and to have the space to allow it BE as it is. And the tears are flowing as I allow myself to melt into the love and acceptance of what I have created for myself.
At the end of the first day of this amazing space, and as I look back to the day past and what has transpired and how amazing and at peace I am feeling, there is a deep inner smile and a contentment. Grateful for the beautiful people I have met and connected with, and so looking forward to tomorrow. As I float off to sleep, the resonance of the singing is within me – OM OM OM ……….
As the week progresses so does my process and I can feel the layers being shed and the shift happening for me. Meeting and deeply connecting with people from different places and one various journeys, all spiritually connected to the beauty of signing the mantras and being in the Light of Love, is so amazing and belonging to a Spiritual Community makes the journey so much more powerful. And this is so blessed, we sit in circles, around these bringers of light, of love, of spirit, of Osho, of mantras in such a deeply, beautiful way, and the voice of the group singing together returning the love and the light is such an enriching and enlightening experience. And it sounds so magnificent – so powerful and so beautiful. To be a part of this is just amazing and I am so humbled and honoured by this experience and filled with deep gratitude.
“Remember, until you become a Buddha you have wasted your life. Buddhahood is your flowering, your fragrance. A tree is fulfilled when it blooms, and a man is fulfilled when he releases the fragrance of Buddhahood, when he becomes luminous; then he comes to know who he is. In knowing that, all is known. In knowing that, God is known. In knowing that, truth is achieved -- you become the truth, and truth liberates. Truth is freedom.” OSHO.
As each day of the workshop passes the process gets deeper and there is a melting and flow that begins to happen with everyone – this is such a beautiful, transformative process and the feeling that I have received and was reiterated by Miten, is that of belonging to a Spiritual Family. This is what this is, with so much light just pouring out of and within each an every person from the musicians, all the people involved is the smooth running and organisation and the participants, each growing more and more beautiful each day. I saw it in my face, in my eyes, the shift, the opening, the flowering and the feeling of so much love, light, peace, bliss and so much more. There have been so many moments this week where there were no words to express what this experience has been.
Each day we met at 09h00 for breakfast, and the first session beginning at 10 until 12h30. Lunch time – and this is where we were presented and fed the most delicious, nutritious, vegetarian food made with love. The food and the people who prepare it is filled with the same delicious, juicy energy surrounding and deep within the ‘buddafield’ and it has been incredible to hang out, swim, laugh, cry, hug and melt with people who have loved, are loving and discovering and re-discovering Osho. And not all are Sannyasin, but people who come year after year, to sing and celebrate with Deva & Miten and enjoy the delights of Corfu, filling their cups and opening their hearts in preparation for the busy lives for the next year. There are doctors, lawyers, administrators, healers & body workers, business men and women, teachers, co-coordinators, counsellors, people who have retired, each with their own individual story and life journey all gathering and celebrating and sharing so much love. And the next session begins at 20h45 in the evening, just as the sun is setting, and we sing, chant, feel and allow silence and dance in celebration. Each session was different, each incredibly special and unique in its energy, and we sang and learnt so many mantras, each resonating with its own essence and beauty.
Deva, Miten, Manose and Maneesh sit in the middle and the music, the songs, the flow, the love and the light that comes from the 4 of them, filtering out into the hearts and cells of each participants body, and the group swaying, singing, dancing, feeling and responding to the love, the rhythm, the voices, the music is such a symbiotic dance of such beauty and magnificence. So beautiful – and for me a gift that I so want to bring back to South Africa and share. I had a vision on at the last session yesterday of this bridge of light moving from Corfu, Buddha Hall, to South Africa, imagining people standing swaying, singing, connecting and the opening of hearts that I know heals and brings people together. Its a vision, and its clear in my mind’s eye and in my heart that this is happening as I write this. I will do everything in my power to continue spreading this music, this light and this beauty and if possible arrange for them to visit SA and spread this incredible light and love. The seed is planted and now I will water it, nurture it, love it and it will flower and become manifest – this I know.
And now my journey continues and I am preparing to visit Spain for the next 7 days. What fun – And I am sure those days will be filled with their own essence and energy too. Its an interesting space, coming out of such an amazing workshop, being filled with so much love and celebration and energy and then dealing with life as it presents itself. I made the most incredible friends at this workshop, really connected and bonded with people who I touched and who touched me in such a beautiful way. There is something so unique and exceptional about meeting people in a space of love and connection, there is no judgement or story attached to the meeting, just a space of sharing, of feeling and allowing love to flow and this is how I am moving forward on my adventure with deep, beautiful friendships and people who have touched my life in such a special way.
I have said this before and I will repeat it many times, I am filled with so much gratitude for this incredible journey that I AM on, for each experience, moment, meeting. And this gratitude expands my heart and opens my inner space so much to welcome new experiences and the space is endless, and so Am I !
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Shalom & Namaste