I haven't been able to sit and write again since my last post, I think that just being in my life, being present with so much going on and me working it all out has given me the opportunity to not write but to let the words rise, slowly and in their own time, much like preparing a loaf of amazing bread, allowing it to expand and grow, and when ready (only when ready) to bake it and allow it be presented in its beauty and completeness. The loss of my beloved friend and her daughter and friend really shook my core, it shattered me into a space of needing to just find out who I am in this world and to take a moment to just breathe and be with the knowledge and the deep innate wisdom of life, being alive, breathing in and breathing out. And I am sure there will be many moments in what is left of my life in this reality that I will stop and take a moment to assess where I am, who I am and connect with the fragility of this life. And of course accepting and embracing my vulnerability and allowing what is to be what is.
A year ago, today, I left London and flew back home to South Africa and my new life. I had a plan, I was filled with so many emotions, trepidation, uncertainty and wonder of how the future would unfold for me. And here I am a year later, honouring and celebrating my beloved mother who would have been 82 today, in my 3rd term of studying which has embarked me on the most unbelievable journey of self discovery and wonder, and more settled in myself than I think I have ever been. I am beginning to love my life in Cape Town and am feeling 'at home' within me, enriched by the incredible people I am meeting and connecting with.
My trip to Israel was an amazing interlude to my year for many reasons and meeting and reconnecting with my beloved beautiful daughter has enriched my life more that my humble words can express. There are so many stories to share about and I feel that I will do a series of stories here capturing moments that have enriched my life so much and created the colour and intensity that fills each and every moment.
I celebrate Beltane tonight, which is a time of integration between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, the great rite, and for me a time of an integration within myself, of honouring my place on the earth and a space and allowing my divine creativity to be birthed abundantly. I feel I am unfolding and flowing in tune with all and with this comes a huge gratitude.
And so I say with a full heart ...... life is beautiful ..... as it is.
Om shanti shanti shanti
Be blessed