Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hamba Kakule Tata Madiba

It is in deep reflection on our day of prayer and meditation that I am writing and saying Hamba Kakule, Goodbye, Be and Rest in Peace to one of the greatest human beings to have walked on our sacred earth - Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela - who left his body on Thursday 5 December 2013 at 20h50.

It is also with such a sad and open heart that I have been inspired and touched by the connection, the love and the words of so much honour, respect and acknowledgement from young to old, across all human beings around the world - the light and love of the world is shining onto our rainbow nation and we are connecting and celebrating this incredible man.  There are so many lessons and so much wisdom that he gave to the world and this touched our hearts and inspired us in so many ways.

So as the tears flow and I watch the stories of his life and get reminded of the path that his life unfolded in South Africa, the stories from my country and my homeland and look to my ancestors and the strength that they showed and the path that they walked in order for me to be so privileged to live through the transformation in this country and be here now to shed tears of appreciation, of awe and to be humble in the light of this blessed master of humanity.  Since Friday morning 03h11 when I found out, from my daughter's Facebook post, that our beloved Madiba had left his body, something has changed within me and around me in a mammoth and unprecedented way.  What a story - such humility, such strength and respect & dignity, love for humanity as powerful like something never witnessed or expressed in our world, ever !

And of course when there is contemplation and reflection, there is a personal assessment and reflection on my own life my own struggle and need for peace and reconciliation.  Some of the amazing inspirations I have gained from Madiba is Ubuntu, his choice of reconciliation instead of retaliation and his philosophy of forgiveness of past transgressions so that we can be free from the shackles that often hold us back within our own lives.  Watching again the story of the shift in South Africa from apartheid to the elections in 1994 and how many obstacles that had to be overcome for Madiba and the ANC and FW De Klerk and the National Party.  Which are indicative of the many the personal issues we all face within our own lives, and that I am observing within my own life.  There are certain relationships that are not in peace or reconciled and this has caused me tremendous sadness and I carry a feeling of hopelessness around these as I am not quite sure how to reconcile them and find a working solution.  Nelson Mandela was pushed and challenged to a great extent to stand for his beliefs and not give into the retaliation that was so exceptionally difficult to withstand.  My reflections are on the choices that I make and to let go and accept what I cannot change or reconcile, bringing the Serenity Prayer into my consciousness :

                          God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
                          The strength to change the things I can
                          And the wisdom to know the difference.


I still have work to do, and although I haven't been in prison for 27 years, I have my own odds to work on and reconcile within my own life and Nelson Mandela is my inspiration on my journey to freedom and to coming to more reconciliation and acceptance.  As I step into the role of Wise Woman and Elder, I hold this precious being deep within my heart and have this to say to my beloved Madiba :

                            Thank you, Nkosi Tata Madiba
                            For walking your talk, for your humanity, for your love for children,
                            For your dancing, your smile and your love for South Africa and all her
                            Beautiful people !
                            You have been an inspiration and an embodiment of Divine Masculine energy
                            A father, a master and a friend.
                            You will never been forgotten
                            Rest in Peace - Be blessed Always
                            I love you Tata, Hamba Kakule

What a man - What a gift - What grace - never to be forgotten.

I am so grateful and so blessed for this honour, to write and honour this exceptional man.

Be Blessed xx