Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A garden of beautiful flowers for NOW and beyond ...

"Deep in your wounds are seeds, waiting to grow into beautiful flowers" 
Niti Majethia

These words really touched my heart, and in a way summed up for me a year of the most unbelievable growth, joy, shift and deep sadness and loss.  2013 will never be just any year, it was a year that I experienced my wounds as seeds for new beginnings, new understandings and immense change, and a grief and loss that has changed my way of being in my world and within myself.

As this new year begins and I watched the sun setting on Tuesday evening I contemplated that the sun and the hours as well as the seasons and the tides know only what they are, and experience this in fullness and completeness, it just is and something that the more I contemplate, the more I know that there is just NOW ! New year is a moment to reconsider and perhaps take a deep breath and wonder - there are no guarantees and it is in each moment of this life that I am hoping to find the wonder.  As my mind races and I notice the stress or worry within me, it takes strength and resilience to take a deep breath and be exactly where I am, and all know that is in perfection.  

If I can achieve this now, in my life, in my writing, in my studies, in my work, in my relationships and within myself, this will be the best moment, time, year ever.  Nelson Mandela is my mentor and has given me so many gifts since his passing nearly a month ago.  He took many moments to reflect, to meditate, to pray and to be in each moment, and then to take action.  Action that is honouring, respectful, reconciliatory, kind, inclusive, for the good of all, and this gives me my wishes and resolutions not only for 2014 but for the rest of my life.  A new beginning and understanding and treading on the earth in a more gentle way.  

With the seeds from many wounds, both personal and collective, I envision the most magnificent garden of flowers.  The soil rich and fertile, the roots deeply nourished and secure, each bud, blossom, flower, leaf perfect in what it is, shining in its completeness.  This is a metaphor that has a richness and a depth of how absolutely exceptional this life is.

Peace love and light for NOW, for 2014 and forever.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
