Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hello Again .....

I know its nearly autumn and this is very much an image that feels like spring, which is about rebirth and new beginnings, fruitfulness and coming out of the darkness.  And this is my 'spring' so to speak - a blossoming of a very long and intense journey of studying towards a BAppSocSci degree, moving to live in Cape Town, and the beginning of a flowering for me.  Here I am, as my adventure continues, in a very different place to where I was when I returned from my sacred journey in 2012, deciding to study psychology and come and live in Cape Town.  Its quite interesting as I look back over the past 3 years and touch base with myself.  Studying has been so intense for me as I have been completely enmeshed within this journey and find myself now, as I am finishing off with this chapter, tying  together the last threads of this web, asking myself, where have you been beloved Nidhi?  And what now?  What is unfolding and blossoming for me and how am I going to walk this journey congruent with the growth and transformation that I have undertaken?

Recently a friend, who I have known since we were 2 1/2, and who lives in Australia now, came to visit and we spent an afternoon and a morning together. What happened with this meeting, this re-connection and re-acquaintance, is I saw myself through the eyes of someone that knows me, loves me, accepts me and acknowledges me opening my heart in a way that has not happened for a very long time.  How wonderful to connect in such a deep and beautiful way with a friend who I have known for 53 years and to see and be seen, open hearted and blessed.  This meeting enabled me to begin seeing me once again, and its amazing and humbling to see myself without the judgement, or shame, or humiliation.  
Here we are around age 5/6 in our bobby socks, what wonderful memories of such a long time ago.

When I left SA in 2012 to embark on my sacred adventure, and began this blog, what was so amazing is sharing my story.  This was for me a wonderful way to write and encapsulate my experiences, what I was feeling and going through as my adventure continues.  I have always wanted write a book, a story of my life and this gave me the opportunity to begin the flow and allow my inner voice to begin to emerge. Over the past 3 years I have written around 56 assignment papers each with an average of 2000 words and having to change my way of writing to a more academic and scientific way has been so challenging.  But also a wonderful new learning for me.  Having the opportunity now to begin allowing my inner voice and wisdom together with a new way of expressing and with a critical way of thinking, is how I move into my new writing.  I am so happy to be here sharing and expressing again, allowing myself the space  - even if its only me who benefits from my wisdom and sharing.  My book is bubbling and beginning to take shape, its the story of my life, and giving this rightful place for expression is what I am looking to create right now.  

Dr Wayne Dyer woke each morning at 03.11, he would place his feet on the floor in front of his bed, say Thank You three times, go to the bathroom, and then sit at his writing desk, an alter to God, and in those quiet moments write his books, by hand.  I always loved this story as I really get it.  Other authors have their own ritual and place of writing that holds the container for them to express and share their stories.  I'm now creating mine.  In my mind I can see clearly of how I would like to manifest my life and my space, and this is part of the adventure for me now - to create and manifest my life, my work, my story.

The privilege for is to share it with you, ............ whoever you are who reads my words.  Thank you. 

This is the orange river at sunset - it reminds me of the yellow brick road in the Widard of Oz.
The wizard is within - this is a river of deep beautiful gold, this is my path and the new course
 I am setting for my sacred adventure.