Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Om Shanti Bali

 So here I am getting ready to say goodbye to this beautiful, diverse, peaceful Bali and looking back at the last 5 weeks it has been the most amazing time for me.  From my reflective space right now I am realising the awesomeness of the experience that being in Bali has brought into my life and as a part of my sacred divine journey.  I needed a complete break, to heal the deep exhaustion and get perspective about my life and who I AM, connect with myself in a place where I feel there are absolutely no expectations on me and really replenish and rejuvenate.  I believe that this time has started a process of me of being in a space of accepting, loving and honouring myself in a way that I have not ever experienced before, a gift I have given to myself.

This last weekend I took myself to Lomok Island - about 1 1/2 hours from Bali by fast boat, across the Lambok Strait.  Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia. It is surrounded by a number of smaller islands locally called Gili. And I completely indulged myself by staying in a 5 star beach hotel that is on a quiet, perfect beach, in a bay of warm, gentle water, crystal clear, has a pool that overlooks the beach, the most unbelievable sunsets, and just a perfect way to end my time here.  Its a perfect honeymoon space, very peaceful and quiet and that's how I felt - I was on honeymoon with myself, enjoying each moment and all the gifts that were on offer.  I loved the island, its so beautiful, gentle, quiet and the people are warm and friendly.  And the beach and sea were like a dream come true - and again I am at a loss for words to explain the feelings of bliss I experienced in the water being immersed and one with the ocean and mother Gaia.

The people of Lombok are more Muslim than Hindu and have their own culture and way of life.  Its not as busy as Bali and there are far more open spaces, it felt far less demanding energetically.  I would love to visit Lombok again and stay for a longer time, but as a tourist staying in such an amazing hotel, I am going to work hard to gather the resources to support such a holiday - but its completely worth it and my next trip here will include much more time on Lombok and less in Bali - this is a place for complete bliss.

As I prepare for the next 4 months of travelling, that will bring amazing and exciting experiences, I again take a moment to reflect on the time before this and where I AM on this Sacred Divine Adventure which is my life.  I know that I will not go back to what was, or ever be in the space I was before, that what happens with shift and change, energy moves and new space is created.  Much like Mother Gaia shifts and moves and changes and when she settles things are different and new creation begins.  I feel that this is my experience and the earthquake in Italy the day before I left confirmed that for me, and has reflected in my experience here. I have challenges to work through and create a few shakes within my own life to get to be the congruent, authentic woman that I AM, and there are walls that I will have to bash down, and I believe that this is my opportunity to do just that.  I am completely out of my comfort zone and have nothing to return back to.  Every step I am taking is moving me forward to new beginnings and new creations, and when I go home to South Africa at the end of October, I will be moving forward to a new, transformed life.  And now that is exciting  !!!

I have been alone in Bali for 5 weeks, haven't met or connected with very many people, and this has been a meeting of myself that I feel so exceptionally privileged to have experienced.  I haven't longed, or wished or wanted anything different or more or less, I have just been where I was in each moment and its been amazing.  And this wisdom and innate knowledge that I have been able to tap into will be my guidance for the months ahead.  And for this I have so much to be grateful for.

Tomorrow 27 June, is the 19th year anniversary of  my mother's passing, and a very auspicious and blessed day for me always to remember and honour this amazing woman who gave me life and who was the most profound teacher in my life. And as Rumi says "the wound is the place where the light enters", without the experiences and the pain this relationship brought into my life, my light would not be shining so brightly.  Myra Steckoll you are a light that I carry deep in my heart and I know that we walk this sacred divine adventure together.  Bless you and bless me always.

And it off to Singapore I go on Wednesday 27th and arrive in Split Croatia on Friday 29th ready for another amazing adventure, so until next time, be blessed always.

Om Shanti Om xxx

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are leaving Bali rejuvenated and having reconnected with the Nidhi within. Your next leg of your journey will offer you a chance to discover more of yourself, no doubt.
    Enjoy every minute. Thanks for sharing.
