To end my sacred adventure in England is perfect and I have the most wonderful time exploring Cornwell, Glastonbury, Avebury and now the Lake Districts. I am loving the people, the soft scenery and the magic spaces. Old, ancient buildings, graveyards and beautiful temples both Christian and Pagan. I have visited the The Eden Project, The Gardens on Heligan, village ports that resonate with stories of old and yesteryear, almost stuck in a time of their own.

In Tintagel I stayed at Camelot Castle which is right on the cliffs on the Atlantic ocean and overlooking Tintagel ruins of what is thought to be King Arthur's Castle. Camelot Castle was an experience that still has me wondering, the hotel is a castle and is furnished with original furnishing and authentic features, and the walls are filled with the art of Artist and co-owner, Ted Stourton. The whole energy around this space is different and I felt while I was staying there I had walked through the veil into a completely altered reality, nothing sinister as many believe, nothing bad or energy draining, but something magical and resonating on a different frequency.

This brings up something that I have said many times before in my blogs and in my life, accepting and not judging other's truth is such an interesting journey. And its a challenge for all of us, as so much creates charge and gets us to question what is right and what is wrong. Its a very personal value system that we hold within ourselves. I work with energy and feeling, if I feel unhappy or unsettled I know that at any moment I can change my reality, and I do. And is it not just amazing that we are all so different and unique and without this diversity life would not be as amazing as it is. Within nature nothing is the same, each being, atom, life force is unique and different. Look at snowflakes, and look at us humans, there is not one nose, eye, fingerprint that is the same - how incredible is that. The internet and technology as amazing as it and connects us all so powerfully but it is also used for people to dis-credit and judge others and these words have become so powerful and can cause countries to change, look at the Arab spring which began in Egypt. We need to be discerning and careful in what we respond to or allow within our reality. And so I again will express that I am writing based on my own experiences, my own discernment, and my own feelings. Unique and different beings are usually judged so harshly and yet we are all different and unique. Amen & So mote it be.

Cornwell was magical, there is an acceptance there for being different, a cohesion between religion and the old ways, there is a tolerance of difference and its tangible feeling this difference. In Boscastle is the the Witches Museum, and amazing museum honouring Witches and the journey and ways of the Wise Ones. Within this museum are stories of such destruction, abuse and horror and what is amazing this is one of the only places where these stories are told in the context of which these abuses happened. It was an honour to visit this museum and I am so grateful for this experience. Again being different and unique and making a stand against the norm brought huge destruction and abuse of a minority of people who were just living their truth and honouring the great Mother Gaia. Oh dear - Forgive them Father/Mother God for they know no what they do .......... !
And then I was in Glastonbury and it is a magical, very alternative and very different place, quite extra-ordinary. Again there is an acceptance between Christianity and Pagan ways, and they share their celebrations and rituals and honour each other's belief's and differences. Its quite remarkable. I loved walking the streets, visiting the shops and talking to the colourful people that live here. There is an old Knysna feeling here, with many traders, hippies, Witches, conservatives, Christians, and everything in between the diversity. And the energy is amazing - I would so love to come to the Glastonbury festival - it must be absolutely wonderful to see the expression of creativity. attended a Sacred Drumming circle in a beautiful old chapel in Glastonbury. The drums used are Frame Drums and the experience of drumming and singing sacred songs, honouring the energies that support and give us wisdom was wonderful. And the group of women were all ordinary, down to earth, real, lovely people all sharing a common connection of love and honour for the earth and for eachother.

On my route to Avebury, I visited Stonehenge. WOW its was such an incredible experience to walk around the stones and witness something extraordinary. I met a Shaman on my walk around the stones, she had a staff with the head of a deer - she and her deer looked exactly the same. She took me on a journey right there on the path, to connect with the stones and the energy surrounding me, it was amazing. Then as I looked into her eyes, I knew that My time is now - its was a tangible, real experience. And when we were complete she said "Its Time, you know exactly what to do ........... and I do.

Avebury was also amazing and the are where so many of the crop circles happen in the fields. And the stones, amazing stones that are on fields of green, where people walk and connect. And the diversity of people visiting Avebury is again a wonderful reflection of how people can coexist and just be who they are. I stayed at Overtown Manor, a working farm in Wroughton, and it was so lovely. Comfortable and nurturing and the peace and gentleness just wonderful. Close by is Barbury Castle ruins, another amazing place to walk in circles on ruins from a Castle from long, long ago. Each step resonating with another time and another place.
Driving has given me loads of time to think and ponder on my life when I get home to SA. Its fast approaching and I am making plans and really considering my various options.

Now imagine having a clear, white canvas in front of you and next to you on a table are paints, crayons, pens, brushes, glue, scissors, images, charcoal, everything in all colours, shapes, sizes, genre's ever imagined. Now imagine this canvas is magic and whatever you place on it can change, disappear and then reappear as you will it to. Well that is how I am feeling about my journey and as I step my feet back on SA soil, my canvas becomes clear and I have the power to create whatever I choose to - Now that is exciting ! And I am envisaging a new life that is so rich in possibilities and options and I have decided that taking about the weather, like the English do, is the best possible way to go through life as it can't bring you down - the weather is like it is - unpredictable, ever changing, and keeps us on our toes as we never know what is really going to happen next.

On my way to The Lakes, I stopped for a night with Sue and Roger in Shrewsbury. They have a house in Knysna and come to our drumming classes when in town and what a wonderful evening we had. There are the first people from home that I have spend any time with since beginning my journey and it was so good to share and laugh and be with a family and with friends for a bit.
And now I am exploring the Lakes and am on my way to Findhorn. Another dream that I have held in my heart for so many years that I will now fulfill. I am truly blessed and keep knowing this.
I love Avalon so much. Thanks for post and this history. Congratulations! You're happy...